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Battle Kahuna Battle Kahuna
Race Gaia
Job Change 2nd Job
Job Class Magician Class
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War Kahuna

Common role(s)
  • Damage dealer
  • Buffer
Job preferred Weapon(s)

Battle Kahuna build upon the core Kahuna skills while adding a few new ones. Like Kahunas, they use 2-handed axes. They are more melee and solo-oriented than Druids.

Battle Kahuna is an hybrid warrior/spellcaster having healing as well as offensive spells. The Battle Kahuna also supports with buffs, healing, a healing/damaging spell and can crowd control with the skills of the Kahuna Tree.



  • Can heal and DD well.
  • Shuddering Flame, a good PvP and PvE AoE attack.
  • Can Crowd Control in case of emergency.
  • Applies significant buffs.
  • Versatile class. Their skill spread allows them to do a number of jobs in a DP in a secondary capacity, or in an emergency. A well-played Huna can help cover the "defects" of a bad DP.


  • No Spammable Skill. This makes investment in your equipment necessary to augment your damage capabilities with normal ax-smacking.
  • High MP comsuption.
  • The Cooldown of their new spells are extremely long and this is important in PvP, thats why the Battle Kahuna have to beat the enemy in one skill round, because if Huge Volcanic Eruption, Gravity Amplification or the Recklessness are used the 10 min cooldown has to be waited.
  • "Jack-Of-All-Trades" class, but a "Master-of-None". They cannot crowd control like their Druid counterpart, nor are they pure DDs like Champions or Chaos Magicians, nor are they healers on par with Priests.
  • Hybrid warrior/caster without the benefit of the warrior's armor. As such, must be careful to watch mob aggro due to their "squishy" nature.

Notable Skills[]

  • Shuddering Flame. High damage AoE two-handed ax skill.
  • Enchant Weapon skills. As the name implies, allows your to give your weapon a number of effects during use. Most notable are Enchant Weapon: Water, which recovers MP at a quick rate; and Enchant Weapon: Lightning, which gives a possibility to stun mobs. The extra damage is negligible, but it isn't unwelcome either.
  • Rain of the Spirits heals your party while hurting mobs. Long cooldown and high MP per use, but a good "top off" skill in a party when needed.
  • Rock Energy, Force of Sacred Fire, and Speed of the Wind apply welcome buffs.
  • Support of Gust. Targeted buff that increases the attack speed of the recipient for a short time. A +3 skill card or better allows this to be kept up perpetually.
  • Gravity Amplification. De-buff that hinders an enemy's movement and attack speed. Long cooldown, but useful on bosses and in PvP.
  • Recklessness skills. Though short in duration with a long cooldown, they do fulfill different purposes. Recklessness of Earth decreases damage for a short time, which is good for a number of reasons. Recklessness of Water increases m.atk, which allows such skills to hit a bit harder. Recklessness of Fire and Recklessness of Thunder increase your p.atk, and p.atk and attack speed in the case of the latter.

Recommended Builds[]

  • Str/Vit - Good for PvE and enhancing your melee damage and taking a hit. Magic-based skills suffer, but farming field mobs makes this a "bread-and-butter" build.
  • Int/Str - Glass cannon build, but at the expense of survivability.
  • Int/Vit - Situational use for magic attack based skills. Not overly recommended.
  • Wis/Vit, Wis/Str - Maybe useful in PvP and DPs as well.  If you have trouble landing your CC skills (Dark Water Seal, Shackle to the Ground, etc), this maybe an option.  Good for higher MP regen as well, though P.Atk will suffer as a result.
  • Most Hunas will want to focus on atk. speed when looking at gear as well.  Eager and Voracious equipment types are things to watch for when shopping for items at the Auction House.  Given damage will come mostly via melee attacking with an 2 handed ax, getting in your hits faster is a good thing.  P.atk equipment is also viable. 


Most "hunas" will focus on breaking mobs with their ax as their primary source of damage. As such, focusing on pets that enhance that aspect of play should be the focus of pet selection and procurement.

  • Orc - Good unity for farming (p.atk/p.def) and a semi-decent tank for those with a budget.
  • Hawkman - A better Orc.
  • Genie - A better Hawkman.
  • Salamander - An ideal pet while in a DP. The unity (m.atk/p.atk) and DD capability at higher levels makes it a nice compliment for the Battle Kahuna. Must watch for aggro.
  • Ifrit - Good healing and DD capability. Unity won't help overly much (m.atk/m.def), but a nice pet for enhancing the Huna's healing.
  • Blue Pixie - Underrated pet, particularly when farming and in a DP. The unity (MP regen) is useful to help offset the high MP cost of a Battle Kahuna's skills and the healing is always welcome. A staged Blue Pixie is recommended, due to Favoritism skill and higher levels of its unity.
  • Unicorn - Odd, but effective. The unity (MP bonus) is a welcome benefit to MP hungry nature of the B.Huna. Also offers a nice blind de-buff, a movement buff, and a good healing skill. Mountable at level 115.
  • Death Tyrant - Excellent for its unity (p.atk/atk. spd) and DD ability. The Monarch Awakening skills are welcome as well, though only one maybe active at a time. Very expensive.



Battle Kahuna Costumes
Rank 3
Rank 3 item: usable at level 50 and above.
Robe of Mother Nature Robe of Mother Nature Robe of Oath Robe of Oath
All races
Anger Robe Anger Robe
Rank 4
Rank 4 item: usable at level 80 and above.
Wise Men's Robe Wise Men's Robe
All races
Sacred Robe Sacred Robe Druid of Belief Small Druid of Belief
Rank 5
Rank 5 item: usable at level 100 and above.
All races
Steel Devil Robe Steel Devil Robe Meteoric Robe Meteoric Robe Druid of Proud Thumb Druid of Proud
Rank 6
Rank 6 item: usable at level 120 and above.
All races
Robe of Rejection Robe of Rejection Druid of departed soul icon Druid of Departed Soul
Rank 7
Rank 7 item: usable at level 150 and above (T1), 155 and above (T2) and 160 and above (T3).
Lv 150 Lv 155 Lv 160
White Majester Robe Crystalline Robe Nemesis Nemesis Armor Jahaq's Inheritance Stasis Robe


The skill tree favors the 2H-axe or a 1 or 2h staff

Job level bonus stats[]

edit data
JLv Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck
1 10 10 8 12 12 9 2
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
8 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
9 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
10 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
11 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
12 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
13 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
14 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
15 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
16 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
17 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
18 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
19 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
20 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
21 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
22 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
23 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
24 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
25 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
26 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
27 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
28 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
29 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
30 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
31 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
32 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
33 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
35 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
36 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
37 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
38 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
39 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
40 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
41 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
42 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
43 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
44 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
45 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
46 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
47 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
48 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
49 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
No 3rd job transfer ... yet!


Job level 1
Job level 5
Job level 10
Job level 15
Job level 20
Job level 25
Job level 30
Job level 35
Job level 40