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The Drillbot is a Unique pet added in Epic 8.1.

Further Information[]

The Drillbot is primarily focused on dealing extremely high damage, mainly through decently high physical attack and extremely high modifiers from skills. The Drillbot is considered one of the the most powerful consistent dd pets in-game, being on par with Undine, Blight Ogre and Minotaurus. However, due to it's low cooldown skills and party buffs/auras, it is more valued than the other mentioned pets, since it can also tank both physical and magical damage and benefit all players close to it from it's Charge skills.

Being a very versatile pet with 3 different main build strategies (although the most used one is Alpha) the Drillbot can tank really well while dealing insane amounts of damage, if skilled correctly and/or if especially in the hands of a Master Breeder. Their very high vitality and wisdom help them withstand harsh punishment from it's foes, whether it's physical or magical damage, proving itself to be the best overall pet in game.

Drillbot cards can be attained via Arena Points and eventual sales at the Item Shop.

Like any other melee pet, however, the Drillbot does fall somewhat short when it comes to PvP, as current generation PvP tactics, which revolve largely around ranged tactics and high evasion, makes it unsuitable for combat unless the target can be held in place or stunned until the Drillbot reaches it. If it's summoner is a Master Breeder properly skilled with Law of Exchange, the Drillbot, once close to it's target, can easily dispose of it in one attack if it's properly built and target has average amounts of HP (35,000 or less).

Range and Populations[]

There is only one monster which can be used for taming Drillbots (aside from summoning scrolls), which is a level 180 boss monster which roams the crystal mountain coast. The boss itself is not very strong, but it is advisable to bring several companions and possibly a tank, since it is level 180.

Recommended Build(s)[]

2H Axe or Mace + Warrior Armor

Soul Stones: Str/Vit Str/Crit Vit/Crit


Base Stats[]

Belt stats, 9.5% Vit, Wis, P.def, M.def

New Drillbot (Evo 1) Level 1 Stats:

Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
13 20 13 16 20 13 10 0
* Unconfirmed values.

New Drillbot (Evo 1) Level 60+10 Stats:

Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
31 48 31 38 48 31 10 0
* Unconfirmed values.

Drillbot (Evo 2) Level 60+10 Stats:

Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
58 88 58 70 88 58 20 0
* Unconfirmed values.

Drillbot (Evo 2) Level 115+25 Stats:

Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
73 111 73 88 111 73 20 0
* Unconfirmed values.

Drillbot Prime (Evo 3) Level 150+25 Stats:

Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
94 144 94 114 144 94 30 0
* Unconfirmed values.


Evo 1: New Drillbot[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
1 Pet Creature Item Expert Creature Item Expert
Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: P.Atk. Pet Awakening Def Awakening: P.Def.
10           Pickaxe Swing
15 Pet Threatening Essence Threatening Essence -
20          Alpha Mode Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
30 Pet Meditation Meditation Pet Clarity Clarity
40 - Pet Vital Unit Vital Unit: Warrior Costume Pet Card Ability Card Ability: Vitality/Wisdom
45 Unity: Drillbot Pet Accuracy Sharp Vision


Pet Blessing of Strength Blessing of Strength Pet Blessing of Intelligence Blessing of Intelligence
Pet Blessing of Vitality Blessing of Vitality Pet Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom
Pet Blessing of Agility Blessing of Agility Pet Blessing of Dexterity Blessing of Dexterity