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(Excerpt from Art of Siege by Illdirrey)

There are two parts to the Dungeon Siege system:

* The Raid Time Attack    
   * The Dungeon Siege

Both portions MUST be completed before your guild can own the Dungeon.

By winning both of these parts your guild will claim ownership of the Dungeon and will gain all benefits associated with ownership.

The Raid:

The first part of the Dungeon Siege. This event is only available Monday ~ Thursday. At 12:01am PST on Friday the Raid Time Attack will be closed and the guild with the fastest time will be declared the winner of the Raid Time Attack.

To apply for The Raid guildmasters should seek out the Dungeon Stones outside of the entrance to the Dungeon they wish to compete for. Guild Masters must be of the appropriate level. To determine the appropriate level take the Dungeon Level (listed on the Dungeon Stone) and subtract 20. So if the Dungeon Level is 70 the guild master must be Lvl 50 to apply.

Once there click on the Dungeon Stone to open the Raid Time Attack window. Click on the Apply button to sign up for the Time Attack. Remember that the Raid must be completed between Monday and Thursday.

To start The Raid Time Attack the guild master must create the siege party. To do so the guild master should type: /screate TEAMNAME. They can then invite additional Party leaders using the /sinvite_gp GUILDMEMBER. Then each Party leader forms each party in the siege just like any other party. (/pinvite PLAYERNAME).

Once the Siege Team is formed the Guild Master enters the dungeon. This will create a private isntance of the dungeon for the Guild. The timer starts as soon as the Guild Master enters the dungeon. Once all members of the siege team are inside the dungeon it is purely a matter of killing the 2 bosses inside the dungeon. Players must kill both bosses for the Raid Time Attack to end.

The guild with the fastest time will move on to The Siege event. There will only be 1 winner per dungeon.

Remember these important points:

* Guild Masters MUST be present during the Raid Time Attack.    
   * Guild Masters need to be at least as high as the Dungeon Level - 20 Levels     
     (If Dungeon Level = 70; Guild Masters level must be at least 50 or higher).    
   * Only members of the applied guild may participate in the Raid.    
   * Use /screate NAME to create a Siege Team.    
   * Use /sinvite_gp NAME to invite a member of your guild as a Siege Team Party Leader.    
   * Each party leader uses /pinvite to invite members to their party.    
   * The maximum number of players for the Raid is:    
         o 8 characters for Moonlight (1 party of 8).    
         o 16 characters for Lost Mines (2 parties of 8).    
         o 24 characters for Crystal valley (3 parties of 8).   
         o 32 characters for palmir plateau (4 parties of 8).  
   * The timer starts as soon as the Guild Master enters the dungeon.    
   * The timer ends as soon as both bosses are killed.    
   * Bosses will drop items during the Raid Time Attack.    
   * If a character dies they can revive at the start point for the Raid.    
   * Users do not need to pay taxes during the Raid Time Attack.    
   * There can only be 1 winner.    
   * A guild may only sign up for 1 Dungeon per week.    
   * A guild may apply for a Raid Time Attack 1 time a day.    
   * Members of a Siege Team may talk to the entire team by putting ' (apostrophe) in front of their messages.    
   * Players will NOT lose lak, experience, drop items, or gain immorality points during the Dungeon Siege.

The Siege:

This is the second part of the Dungeon Siege system. Please be advised this part is purely Player vs Player!

The objective of this event is simple: control the Dungeon Stone. Under normal circumstances where a Dungeon is owned by a guild there will be 2 teams. One team will be defending (the owners of the dungeon) while the other team is attacking (the team that won the Raid Time Attack).

Please note that the owners of the dungeon do NOT need to complete the Raid Time Attack each week.

The commands for the Dungeon Siege are very similar. Once the event is announced in yellow text players from each guild should head to the dungeon. Teams for the Dungeon Siege can be created immediately after the Raid Time Attack is won or before entering the dungeon. If the teams are already created the Guild Master does not need to be present during the Siege.

If the teams are not already created Guild Masters need to use the /screate NAME command to create the name of their team. They can then invite members of their guild to be party leaders by using the /sinvite_gp NAME command. Guild Masters can also invite members of other guilds by using the /sinvite_hp NAME command.

Please note that only the teams involved (the attacking guild and defending guild) can take control of a dungeon.

Once the team is created and all parties have a party leader the party leaders use the /pinvite NAME command to invite players to their party.

Once the final announcement that the Dungeon Siege is starting is made both parties may enter the dungeon. Once inside they will notice that the dungeon is completely devoid of monsters other than the guardians of each control point.

As mentioned earlier the objective is to control the Dungeon Core. To do so they must reach the core, kill the guardians, and left click on the Core. There will be a cast time where the player who clicked on the core can be attacked and killed so protect your teamates well.

There are also strategic control points in between each Core. these points, if captured, allow players to respawn at a control point instead of at the entrance to the Dungeon. To take control of a control point users must kill the guardians around the control point and then left click on the control point. Again users will be vulnerable during the cast time to take over the control point. Once taken over guardians for that team will be spawned to protect the control point.

How to Win:

If you are the attacking team (the guild that owns the Dungeon before the Dungeon Siege) you must destroy the attacking teams Dungeon Stone. Once destroyed the Siege will be lifted and the defending team will win regardless of how much time is left.

If you are the defending team you must hold the Dungeon Core. Once you gain control of the Dungeon Core both teams will reset and their roles will be shifted. It will now be the attacking team's turn to protect the Dungeon Core. All players will be reset to the appropriate entrance and the Dungeon Stone for the attacking team will be reset. Whoever owns the Core at the end will be the winners.

Remember these important points:

* The Siege team can be created as soon as the Raid Time Attack is won.    
   * If the team was created prior to the Siege announcement the guild leader does not need to participate.    
   * Guild Masters may invite players from other guilds as Party Leaders or members of the siege parties.    
   * Use /screate NAME to create a Siege Team.    
   * Use /sinvite_gp NAME to invite a member of your guild as a Siege Team Party Leader.    
   * Use /sinvite_hp NAME to invite a member of another guild or a guildless player as a Siege Team Party Leader.    
   * Each party leader uses /pinvite to invite members to their party.    
   * The maximum number of players for the Siege is:    
         o 16 characters for Moonlight (2 parties of 8).    
         o 32 characters for Lost Mines (4 parties of 8).    
         o 48 characters for Crystal valley (6 parties of 8).    
         o 64 characters for Palmir Plateau (8 parties of 8).  
   * If a character dies they can revive at the start point for the Siege or at one of the control points.    
   * Teams can take over control points by killing the guardians at each control point and then left clicking on the    
     control point.    
   * There can only be 1 winner.    
   * The Attacking Team must gain and keep control of the Dungeon Core.    
   * Once control of the Dungeon Core is shifted the teams swap sides and all players are reset to their appopriate    
     starting points (the attacking teams Dungeon Stone is also reset to full power).    
   * If the Defending Team destroys the Dungeon Stone at any time the Siege is lifted and the Attacking Team loses.    
   * Members of a Siege Team may talk to the entire team by putting ' (apostrophe) in front of their messages.    
   * Players will NOT lose lak, experience, drop items, or gain immorality points during the Dungeon Siege.

The Schedule (all times are in GMT):

Ruins of Arid Moonlight 1: 1pm ~ 3pm Saturday

Ruins of Arid Moonlight 2: 1pm ~ 3pm Sunday

Lost Mines 1: 2pm ~ 4pm Saturday

Lost Mines 2: 2pm ~ 4pm Sunday

Crystal Valley 1: 3pm ~ 5pm Saturday

Crystal Valley 2: 3pm ~ 5pm Sunday

Palmir Remains 1: 4pm ~ 6pm Saturday

Palmir Remains 2: 4pm ~ 6pm Sunday

The Sanctuary: 12pm ~ 2pm Sunday

The Rewards: Controlling a dungeon entitles you to certain rewards. You will be able to set the tax rate of the dungeon (maximum of 10% and minimum of 1%). This will reward you with 10% of all lak and rupee drops within the dungeon.

All rewards can be gathered from the Dungeon Master. They can only be claimed by the Guild Master. The Guild Master may only claim as much as he/she can hold at any given time.

Here you can find a great guide to win Siege:


Here you can download a PDF version of this guide:


Additional Rules:

* Please remember that guilds may only control 1 dungeon at any given time.    
   * Guilds may not participate in The Raid Time Attack if they control a dungeon.    
   * Guilds that do not control a dungeon may only apply for 1 Dungeon per week.    
   * All events are run automatically. There is no GM intervention.