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In Rappelz there are several ways to enhance your pet to make it more powerful and versatile.


If you have a summoned pet it will gain experience and levels with you. As your pet gains levels it gains stats and job points. The pet’s job points can be spent on skills for the pet, just as your job points can be spent on skills for you. Your pet gains one job point per level. Each pet has three stages of evolution. At each stage your pet has a different appearance. At higher stages of evolution more powerful skills become available.

  • You may evolve your pet from evolution 1 to evolution 2 at pet level 50.
  • You may evolve your pet from evolution 2 to evolution 3 at level 100.

When you evolve your pet it will change it's look, in some cases, drastically:


Once a pet has reached a high enough level to be evolved, you can continue to level it before you evolve it, this is referred to as overbreeding. Overbreeding your pet gives you additional JP to invest in pet skills.

  • Evo2 at Lv 50 may be delayed until Lv 60
  • Evo3 at Lv 100 may be delayed until Lv 115
  • Each additional level of Overbreeding will grant your pet a +1 enhance level.

During overbreeding your pet will gain 2JP per level instead of 1JP. This allows you to invest in many additional pet skills.

Evo2 Pets without overbreeding have a much lower market value. On the other hand an overbred pet with poorly chosen skills should also have a lower market value. Unfortunately it is very difficult to verify before a transaction just how the skills have been invested.

If you see a creature card (a.k.a. pet card) advertised as "JP free" then the owner is claiming that none of the job points have yet been spent on any skills. Most of the time this is true and an honest player will not be offended if you ask them for a current screen shot

showing evidence of this claim. Pets that are advertised as "Clean" (though this usually refers to items and not pets) or "fresh" are generally either just-tamed or very low level (less than lvl60)- they may or may not have job points spent if they have been leveled.

Overbreeding a creature is time well spent.

WARNING: Choosing not to overbreed your pet is a definitive choice! It will significantly lower the value of the pet, and irreversibly deny it the bonus JP unless you are going to stage that pet.


Creature Enchantment or Staging is the act of combining two creatures (pets) into one. The newly formed creature has increased attributes as well as new skills that it can learn in addition to the original skills for that creature. For that process you will need two tamed cards of the same type (Rarity) and a Soul Catalyst that can be purchased at the Creature Enchanter NPC in each city.

If the combination fails, the card in the "enchant" slot is preserved but the other card is destroyed with the soul siphon. If the combination succeeds your pet is now stage 2 and has extra stats and skills upon leveling up. the maximum stage for a pet is 5, and the skin of the pet changes upon reaching stage 3.

To Stage a pet you need several different items:

  • The tamed pet card you want to Stage.
  • Another tamed pet of the same rarity and same stage, this pet will be used as 'food' and will disappear either if the enchanting success or not.
  • A Soul Catalyst, which you can buy at the "Creature Enchanter" NPC at the Beginner Towns and Hidden Village.
  • Non Soul Pets can only be staged with another card of the exact same type, ie: Angel + Angel.
  • Soul Pets can be staged using another card of the same Rarity, for example, a Rare Marduka Cat can be staged using any other Rare card no matter its name.
  • The Staged pet will be back to level 1 and all its skills and JPs will be reset to 0, some new skills may show depending on the stage.

As usual, there is no guarantee in Rappelz to successfully enchanting a pet, but there are ways to improve success rate, for example using an Ancient Soul Catalyst instead of the normal one or adding a Joker card to the enchanting window, or attempt the stage at certain levels (see table below).

How to Stage a Pet[]

Open the Item Enhancing Window, place the pet card that you want to stage in the main slot, the other card and the Soul Catalyst in the right part of the Enchant window and hit confirm. If it was successful, you now have a Lv1 stage 1 pet of the combined race.

Pet stagging

To get higher stage pets you must continue to combine 2 staged pets. For example, if you combine 2 Stage 1 pets(+1) in the same way, you will have a level 1 Stage 2(+2) pet of the same type.

Also, there is a chance, although it is a relatively small chance, of receiving a Harlequin(Joker) pet upon a failed combination. This tends to happen more often at the higher stages (usually to +4 or +5), but can also happen at the lower stage combinations, with a far smaller chance. The Joker pet can be used to improve your chances of success in the next staging attempt, to do so, add the Joker card to the Enchanting Window along with the other required items.

You can start to enhance any pet as soon as is tamed (fresh) using as material (food) a second also fresh pet. The level of the creature used to enhance has no effect on the success of the Staging but the level of the enhanced pet does.

Suggested levels to perform the Stage enhance are:

Stage Pet Lv. OB Evo Combination Total Required Cards
1 1 0 I Pet + Pet = S1 2
2 60 +10 II S1 + S1 = S2 4
3 115 +25 III S2 + S2 = S3 8
4 150 S3 + S3 = S4 16
5 160 S4 + S4 = S5 32 (not counting failures)

How Staging affects your pets[]

Enhancing delivers the following attributes:

  • 8 extra JP (job points) per stage
  • new passives [at Lv5]
  • new skills [at Lv55, when Evo 2 / 105 Evo 3]
  • new appearance (skin) of the pet
  • pets getting durability
  • max Card Ability level increase [1 level per stage]
  • max Unity level increase [1 level per stage]
  • better stats

Here is a table showing the per-stage core of the improvements:

Creature formation window
Stage Bonus JP Stat gain Total slots Durability
0 0 0% 2 -
1 8 3% 3 18
2 16 6% 3 16
3 24 10% 4 14
4 32 14% 5 12
5 40 20% 6 10

Affecting equipment slots[]

  • At stage 1 the pet gains a new item slot for jewelry only.
  • At stage 3 and 5 you unlock new slots for equipping Creature Artifacts.
  • At stage 5 you can equip a Shield on your pet.

Pet's Durability[]

Staged creatures start with their maximum durability points. You can check them via hovering over the card in inventory (which will report how much durability they have left), or open creature formation and see the scale. Enhanced pets lose one durability on death. The higher the stage, the less durability point they have, and so the faster they can become unusable.

Pet dura recharge

When a staged pet reaches 0 durability, the pet card gets inactive. You can't summon the pet anymore (not tradable anymore, but warehousable). You have to recharge it first. To recharge durability on a staged pet, you have to buy a Soul Shifter from a Creature Enchanter, and another untamed pet of the same rarity as the enhanced pet.

Open the Enhance window from the inventory. The grey pet card to repair gets into the main slot, the other pet card and the Soul Shifter into the lower part of combination window. This isn't luck based, it should work a 100%.

Enchanter 1

Gallery of New Skins[]
