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You may also be interested in Item Enchantment and Armor Enhancement.

Armor and Weapon Awakening[]

The weapon awakening system was introduced in Epic 8.

Awakening a weapon or armor will add adjustments to its statistics. A item which has not been awakened is described as Dormant.

AwakeningStone Blue

To Awake an item you will need a Awakening Stone

Click the Dismantle icon in the inventory window. Place an empty pet card in the dismantle window and click "Dismantle All" to obtain awakening stones. Click the Enhancement icon in the inventory window. Place a dormant weapon in the primary slot and an awakening stone in another slot. Click "Enhance" to apply random adjustments.

If the random adjustments are not to your liking, you can return the weapon to its original dormant state using a Sealing Scroll purchased from the Cash Shop.

Accessories Awakening[]

Some Accessories, like Rings and Necklaces, can also be Awakened and gain additional stats.

AwakeningStone Green

To awake an Accessory you will need an Awakening Stone: Accessories

This stones can only be gotten as reward from a couple of Daily Quests or by trade with another players.

Quests to get Awakening Stones
Location NPC Quest Name Reaward
Rondo Sweetheart Kayle [Daily] Engagement Ring Awakening Stone: Accessories x1
The Waterfall Explorer Molly [Daily] Support for Exploration Awakening Stone: Accessories x1

Final Awakening[]

The Final Awakening regards +20 or higher boots, gloves and helmets exclusively. Rank 2-6 equipment can not be made higher than +20 but Rank 7 equipment can be increased to + 25. With each additional enchantment level the bonus will also increase. To know more about how to enhance beyond +20 check the Armor Enhancement page.


To perform the final Awakening on an item you need a Final Awakening Stone: Armor

the pink counterpart to the blue awakening stone for weapons. It can be bought in-game from the Black Market NPC for 50m rupees each.
Use the enhance window, place your gear item in the “target” box on the left, the Final Awakening Stone: Armor in “materials” on the right side, click the “enhance” button.

How will it improve my items?

After using a Final Awakening Stone Armor, your gear item will get the following results:

Final Awakening results

If you awaken your helm, gloves or boots at +20 and later on increase the enhancement, the awakening will not automatically change. To change the awakening, like with weapons, you need a sealing scroll, in this case the “Final Sealing Scroll: Armor”, exclusively being sold in cash shop, but freely tradable in-game.

When to use a Final Sealing Scroll: Armor?

When the item is enchanted higher than +20 and already was awakened before.
​ ~ Credits to [MOD]Nazgul, MadHatteress​ and [MOD]Alexander, Gouron
