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The Harpy is one of two pets currently in the game utilizing ranged attacks based on P.atk, and not M.atk (the other being the Joker). The Harpy boasts a better attack range than every other pet in the game; a range slightly superior to the Shadow Hunter character, and only slightly less than that of the Archer.

Harpies are best designed to dispatch enemies at a distance, stunning or slowing movement speed of mobs with a debuff. They are best equipped with a longbow or crossbow with their ranged weapon passive attained at level 90.

The Harpy also makes an excellent dual-summon pet in dungeon parties, particularly with Evoker (utilizing dual-axes), or Battle Summoner classes. A Battle Summoner's Might of the Underworld skill will decrease the Harpy's Vitality and Strength, yet boosts those same stats of the summoner; a tradeoff which scarcely affects the Harpy, as pets can be Stabilized, reducing the amount of aggro generated. Also, with a Harpy's Damage Dealing mainly contributed to by Dexterity, losing Strength is a not an overly a concern, as the boost to the Battle Summoner's damage output is considerable.

Harpy Unity, a boost to physical attack speed, also makes the Harpy Potion (available at Evo.3) a popular choice for classes (such as Assassin) who rely on attack speed. Overall, the Harpy pet is popular across a range of character classes, their ranged attacks and versatility making them an excellent choice for Shadow Hunters and Archers.

Harpy cards may drop from monsters of any level.

Recommended Build(s)[]

  • Passive Skills:
    • General: Max P.Atk and P.Def, Max HP, MP Regen
    • Pure Damage Dealing: Max P.Atk, MP Regen, OB Dex, OB Agi(DPS increased)
  • Active Skills: Twin Shot, Triple Shot, Unity, (Crippling Arrow[lvl 10 for jp] for slightly more buffer distance from meelee damage)
  • Shadow Illusion: Decreases Threat (Aggro) by 30% at skill level 1, this allows the Harpy to use high enchanted weapons without worrying about dying.
  • Best build Stones:
    • Pure Damage Dealing: (Dex + P. Atk) or (Agi+Dex) though P.Attack will be lesser, significant increase in DPS can be seen
    • Survival: (Dex + Vit)
  • Active Build Gear: Better for soloing, or without full party buffs (Hunter Armor + Long Bow) [Lower Attack Speed, Higher Atk Range]
  • Passive Build Gear: Better damage over time when fully buffed as when in party (Hunter Armor + Cross-Bow) [Lower Atk Range, Faster Atk Speed]


Base Stats[]

Harpy (Evo 1) Level 1 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
15 10 8 10 9 18 10 0
15 10 8 10 9 18 10 1
15 10 8 10 9 19 10 2
16 11 8 11 9 19 11 3
Harpy (Evo 1) Level 60 +10 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
37 24 18 24 21 43 10 0
37 24 18 24 21 43 10 1
37 24 18 24 21 44 10 2
38 25 18 25 21 44 11 3

Swiftwing (Evo 2) Level 60 +10 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
69 45 31 45 43 81 20 0
70 46 31 46 44 83 20 1
72 47 32 47 45 85 21 2
75 49 34 49 47 88 22 3
Swiftwing (Evo 2) Level 115 +25 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
87 56 41 56 56 103 20 0
93 60 44 60 57 109 22 3

Windsong (Evo 3) Level 115 +25 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
108 73 55 73 71 134 30 0
114 77 58 77 75 142 31 2
118 80 60 80 78 147 33 3
123 83 62 83 80 152 34 4


Evo 1: Harpy[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
1 - Pet Creature Item Expert Creature Item Expert
Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: P.Atk. Pet Awakening Def Awakening: P.Def.
10 Twin Shot Twin Shot -
15 Shadow Illusion Shadow Illusion (Tier3) -
20 Crippling Arrow Crippling Arrow (Pre-Req: Twin Shot Lv 1) Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
25 Pet Blind&FearWar Cry -
30 Paralyzing Arrow Paralyzing Arrow Pet Meditation Meditation Pet Clarity Clarity
40 - Pet Vital Unit Vital Unit: Hunter Costume Pet Card Ability Card Ability: Dexterity (Tier3)
45 Harpy Unity Unity: Harpy Pet Accuracy Sharp Vision


- Pet Blessing of Strength Blessing of Strength Pet Blessing of Intelligence Blessing of Intelligence
Pet Blessing of Vitality Blessing of Vitality Pet Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom
Pet Blessing of Agility Blessing of Agility Pet Blessing of Dexterity Blessing of Dexterity

Evo 2: Swiftwing[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
50 Pet Item CreationCreation: Harpy's Feather Pet Special Hymn of Life Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: P.Atk Pet Awakening Def Awakening: P.Def
55 - Nimble fingers Nimble Fingers
60 Twin Shot Twin Shot -
65 Shadow Illusion Shadow Illusion (Tier3) -
70 Crippling Arrow Crippling Arrow (Pre-req: Twin Shot Lv6) Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
75 Pet Blind&Fear War Cry -
80 Paralyzing Arrow Paralyzing Arrow Pet Meditation Meditation Pet Clarity Clarity
85 Pet Encouragement Encouragement: Dexterity (Tier3) -
90 Triple Shot Triple Shot Pet Fighter Unit Hunter Unit: Ranged Weapon (Tier3) Pet Card Ability Card Ability: AtkSpd
95 Harpy Unity Unity: Harpy Pet_Accuracy Sharp Vision
101 - OB - Pet_Blessing_of_Strength Blessing of Strength Pet_Blessing_of_Intelligence Blessing of Intelligence
Pet_Blessing_of_Vitality Blessing of Vitality Pet_Blessing_of_Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom
Pet_Blessing_of_Agility Blessing of Agility Pet_Blessing_of_Dexterity Blessing of Dexterity

Evo 3: Windsong[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
100 Pet Potion Creation Creation: Harpy Potion Pet Special Hymn of Life Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: P.Atk. (Tier3) Pet Awakening Def Awakening: P.Def. (Tier3)
105 - Nimble fingers Nimble Fingers
110 Twin Shot Twin Shot -
115 Shadow Illusion Shadow Illusion (Tier3) -
120 Crippling Arrow Crippling Arrow (Pre-req: Twin Shot Lv11) Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
125 Pet Blind&Fear War Cry -
130 Paralyzing Arrow Paralyzing Arrow Pet Meditation Meditation Pet Clarity Clarity
135 Pet Encouragement Encouragement: Dexterity (Tier3) -
140 Triple Shot Triple Shot Pet Awakening Regen Awakening: HP Regen (Tier3)
145 Harpy Unity Unity: Harpy Pet Accuracy Sharp Vision (Tier3)
150 Blood Rain Blood Rain Pet Eden's Blessing Eden's Blessing