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A Normal Basic creature that specializes in physical attack and moderate defense. Essentially a Fighter in pet form.

This pet boasts strength and an early AOE skill that has the ability to stun. Its unity reduces the foes pdef and mdef in calculation by increases p.ignore.

Staged Versions of this pet get attack expert than can increases all damaging skills by +1. plus the level of the skill it self and increases CritPower

At level 60 you can mount this pet and use it as a free ride. (its cheaper than buying 5 mounts to get to lm on foot).

Recommended Build(s)[]

Build Ideas

Typcial Melee: Str/Vit: Basic melee build nothing special

Tank: Vit/Pdef: Maximizes the def of the creature and loins roar can make for a good aggro pull

Staged DD: Str/Crit.Ratio: Maximizes attack expert to its full advantage.


Base Stats[]

Lydian Kitten (Evo 1) Level 1 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
17 13 7 6 7 15 10 0
17 13 7 6 7 15 10 1
18 13 7 6 7 15 10 2
18 14 7 6 7 16 10 3
Lydian Kitten (Evo 1) Level 60 +10 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
42 32 17 14 17 38 11 3

Lydian (Evo 2) Level 60 +10 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
74 58 29 26 28 65 20 0
76 59 29 26 28 66 20 1
85 65 32 29 31 74 22 3
Lydian (Evo 2) Level 115 +25 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage

Lydian King (Evo 3) Level 115 +25 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
127 87 46 36 44 94 25 0
153 112 64 50 62 132 36 5


Evo 1: Lydian Kitten[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
1 - Pet Creature Item Expert Creature Item Expert
Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: P.Atk. Pet Awakening Def Awakening: P.Def.
5 - Strength of Nature Strength of Nature Resistance from Nature Resistance from Nature
10 MangleMangle -
15 Pet Threatening Essence Threatening Essence -
20 PouncePounce Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
25 Pet Blind&Fear Roar -
30 Lion RoarLion Roar Pet Meditation Meditation Pet Clarity Clarity
40 - Pet Vital Unit Vital Unit: Warrior Costume Pet Card AbilityCard Ability: Strength, Vitality
45 Unity LydianUnity: Lydian Pet Accuracy Sharp Vision


- Pet Blessing of Strength Blessing of Strength Pet Blessing of Intelligence Blessing of Intelligence
Pet Blessing of Vitality Blessing of Vitality Pet Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom
Pet Blessing of Agility Blessing of Agility Pet Blessing of Dexterity Blessing of Dexterity

Evo 2: Lydian[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
50 Pet Item Creation Creation: Claw Of Lydian Pet Special Wound Lick Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: P.Atk. Pet Awakening Def Awakening: P.Def.
Mount Lydian Mount
55 Attack Expert Attack Expert -
60 MangleMangle -
65 Pet Threatening Essence Threatening Essence -
70 PouncePounce Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
75 Pet Blind&Fear Roar -
80 Lion RoarLion Roar Pet MeditationMeditation Pet Clarity Clarity
85 - Savage Instinct Savage Instinct
90 - Pet Fighter Unit Fighter Unit: Melee Weapon Pet Card Ability Card Ability: Pdef Critical InjuryCritical Injury
95 Unity LydianUnity: Lydian Pet Accuracy Sharp Vision


- Pet Blessing of Strength Blessing of Strength Pet Blessing of Intelligence Blessing of Intelligence
Pet Blessing of Vitality Blessing of Vitality Pet Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom
Pet Blessing of Agility Blessing of Agility Pet Blessing of Dexterity Blessing of Dexterity

Evo 3: Lydian King[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
100 Pet Potion Creation Creation: Lydian Potion Pet Special Wound Lick Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: P.Atk. Pet Awakening Def Awakening: P.Def.
105 Attack Expert Attack Expert -
110 Mangle Mangle -
115 Pet Threatening Essence Threatening Essence -
120 Pounce Pounce Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
125 Pet Blind&Fear Roar -
130 Lion Roar Lion Roar Pet Meditation Meditation Pet Clarity Clarity
135 - Savage Instinct Savage Instinct
140 Critical Injury Critical Injury Pet Awakening Regen Awakening: Critical
145 Unity Lydian Unity: Lydian Pet Accuracy Sharp Vision
150 Limit Break Limit Break Pet Eden's Blessing Eden's Blessing