This page is the starting point for all editors of this Wikia. It lists some of the pages you might like to use as you contribute here.
- To follow the changes to this wiki, and to look out for new events and problem edits, use recent changes.
- If you want to discuss anything about an article, you can use the talk pages.
- For more general discussion, use the forum.
- Users are free to specify the familiar, WikiPedia-like, Monobook skin via the preferences link.
- Advertising has always been a part of free hosting services and ads are also a part of Wikia. If advertising annoys you then you have at least a couple of easy options:
- customize your personal CSS to display no ads at all:
- .wikia_ad, .wikia_ad_placeholder {display:none}
- install a browser add-in or intelligent DNS filtering method to filter undesirable content. Many effective tools are free and include: Stylish, NoScript, AdBlock Pro, your local hosts file, OpenDNS, etc.
- customize your personal CSS to display no ads at all:
- If you need help editing, you could start with this tutorial on the Central Wikia.
- If you are not sure where to start contributing then browse the page stubs and expand one of those or review the list of wanted pages and create one of these.
- There are also more help pages in the help category.