The Red Pixie takes the form of a tiny woman with a golden aura surrounding her. The pet is a favorite for most, if not all classes due to its admirable damage dealing capabilities and quick skill recharge. The creature has high M.Atk and is heavily reliant on its skills to deal truly wonderous damage on opponents. The Red Pixie is a favorite in Player vs. Player combat due to physical contact not being required to deal damage and the quick recharge of its abilities. Pet Classes are also seen to have at least one Red Pixie in formation in very many cases. It has low defense and HP, but this is counterbalanced by the fact that it doesn't need contact to deal damage. Red Pixies are also known in-game as an "rp" and can easily defeat most 'squishy' creatures.Through and through, the RP is one of the only T2 pets to have maintained a steady value at higher levels and is the base for all pet comparisons involving damage dealing capability.Red Pixie cards may drop from any monster below level 90.
Recommended Build(s)[]
The recommended build for a Red Pixie is a skill based build, as with the Blue Pixie. Full attention should be given to active skills as well as the M.Atk. passive skill in order to do as much damage as possible. The Unity is a must to increase the attack power of the actives. As the Red Pixie has low P.def., it is recommended to increase the Hp. and Def. as much as possible. Many people suggest warrior armor to help the Red Pixie become less squishy. HP boost passives are recommended to help increase the survival of your red pixie. Alternatively, a couple or three levels of Shadow Illusion to reduce threat from the pixie's attacks is available. It is cheaper in JP, but has a somewhat expensive upkeep in mana depending on the skills level. Any higher level than 1 on Shadow Illusion is not recommended until r4.
For maximum damage, one can drop all HP and P. Def passive skills and stones, trading it all for Int and M. Atk. This saves on JP for Shadow Illusion and the OB int passive. As the build above suggests, Shadow Illusion should be on a higher level than 1 when MP permits, This is more stressed for this build for the simple fact that the RP would be doing more damage; also caution on MP usage, until r4. This build omits any defense, so it's required to use a M. Atk shield instead of armor because int stones and rings cannot give enough int to compare to the caster shields.