The salamander (often referred to as sala or sally) is a pet that makes use of both physical and magic attacks. It also has a powerful damage-dealing (DD) capability due to two damage-over-time (DoT) skills with 15 second cool-downs. The salamander, however, has low defense and vitality and lacks a threat-reduction skill. It is usually used as a hybrid damage-dealer, making it one of the most versatile DD-ers around. The salamander takes the form of an amphibian creature standing on hind legs.
Recommended Build(s)[]
Stones + Skills:
Str + Int
Str + atk speed
Warrior Armor + 2-Handed Mace
If the Salamander is lower than level 90, a 2h Axe is the best weapon to use.
If the Salamander is a lower level than your character, you may want to swap an intelligence stone for a dexterity or physical/magical accuracy stone; 50/50 Str/(Atk speed or Int) is a glass canon build which maximises the Salamander's damage output while reducing its ability to take damage. You may want to use a vitality stone or two to help the Salamander survive a hit or two—it is a damage-dealing pet and can grab aggro but it lacks the P. Defense and HP needed to take damage.