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Siren's abilities include debuff spells and Damage over Time spells. Sirens damage output is low in low levels, but her debuffs are useful in Dungeon Parties, for her P.Acc/M.Acc debuff, and the P.Def/M.Def debuff. In addition, Siren's Fear Skill has a very high rate of landing because her high Wisdom and M.Acc/M.Atk Unity. At higher levels Siren is one of the best pets to use in PvP, as she can debuff P.Acc/M.Acc (Painful Noise), Mov.Spd (Lyrics of Frustration) and P.Def/M.Def (Painful Aria). Add to that the before mentioned accurate Fear and the level 150 skill which produces a rather high damage AoE DoT. The Siren skill Hymn of Life, is also able to heal the Core in Sieges for 50% of its health, which can make or break a raid. Siren cards may drop from any monster below level 90.

Recommended Build(s)[]

  • See Forum:Recommended builds: Siren.
  • Best build Stones Skills: (Str + P.atk) Gear: (warrior or magician costume + 2-handed mace). While the Siren's DoT skills are matk-based, their overal contribution to damage is very low (roughly 1150% matk per minute when Painful Aria and Lyrics of Frustration are maxed, even assuming the DoT runs its entire course). Sirens therefore benefit more from the patk from a mace than from the matk from a staff, despite being magical pets. The siren's basic attacks are physical and ranged.
  • At low lvs (1-60) a longbow or crossbow might be an acceptable option to maximize her normal damage. Siren has nearly two times as much dexterity as strength, and retains the core of her spells, the debuffs. However once she reaches Evo 2, staff is generally a better option
  • The Siren usually doesn't need to worry about acquiring aggro, so a magician costume is used to increase her MP (but see the note below about wisdom). However, melee classes may find that the siren will hit the mob first, and therefore warrior/hunter armour may be desired. Hunter armour also increases move speed as an added bonus. In most cases of Pvp people will tend to ignore the siren and go for the player. This is generally a mistake that skilled pvpers usually do not make. Warrior or hunter armour shines in Pvp versus physical classes, seeing as how the increased Mp from mage armour rarely matters in the short term.
  • The siren's naturally high wisdom combined with the magical accuracy from her unity means she rarely fails spells even on mobs much higher than her level. The wisdom also gives her a very large Mp Recovery stat, so much so that a siren rarely has Mp problems even on a non-pet class.


Base Stats[]

Siren Child (Evo 1) Level 1 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
9 7 6 10 19 14 10 0
9 7 6 10 19 14 10 1
9 7 6 10 20 14 10 2
9 7 6 11 20 15 11 3
10 7 6 11 21 15 11 4
10 8 7 12 22 16 12 5
Siren Child (Evo 1) Level 60 +10 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
22 17 14 29 46 28 10 0
22 17 14 29 47 28 10 2
22 17 14 30 47 29 11 3
23 18 15 31 49 30 12 5

Siren Lady (Evo 2) Level 60 +10 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
41 31 27 46 86 62 20 0
43 32 28 48 90 65 21 2
44 34 29 50 94 68 22 3
48 37 32 54 102 74 24 5
Siren Lady (Evo 2) Level 115 +25 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
51 39 34 62 109 73 20 0
58 45 39 70 125 85 24 5

Siren Queen (Evo 3) Level 115 +25 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage
67 52 44 74 140 103 30 0
80 62 52 88 168 123 36 5
Siren Queen (Evo 3) Level 150 +25 Stats
Str Vit Agi Int Wis Dex Luck Stage


Evo 1: Siren Child[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
1 - Pet Creature Item Expert Creature Item Expert
Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: M.Atk. Pet Awakening Def Awakening: M.Def.
5 - Strength of Nature Strength of Nature Resistance from Nature Resistance from Nature
10 Painful Noise Painful Noise -
15 Shadow Illusion Shadow Illusion -
20 Lyrics Of Frustration Lyrics of Frustration (Pre-req: Painful Noise Lv.1) Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
25 Pet Blind&Fear War Cry -
30 Pet Stun Shuddering Cantata Pet Meditation Meditation Pet Clarity Clarity
40 - Pet Vital Unit Genius Unit: Magician Costume Pet Card Ability Card Ability: Dexterity, Wisdom
45 Unity Siren Unity: Siren Pet Accuracy Vision of Intelligence


- Pet Blessing of Strength Blessing of Strength Pet Blessing of Intelligence Blessing of Intelligence
Pet Blessing of Vitality Blessing of Vitality Pet Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom
Pet Blessing of Agility Blessing of Agility Pet Blessing of Dexterity Blessing of Dexterity

Evo 2: Siren Lady[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
50 Pet Item Creation Creation: Siren's Hair Pet Special Hymn of Life Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: M.Atk. Pet Awakening Def Awakening: M.Def.
55 Kiss of the Goddess Kiss Of The Goddess -
60 Painful Noise Painful Noise -
65 Shadow Illusion Shadow Illusion -
70 Lyrics Of Frustration Lyrics of Frustration (Pre-req: Painful Noise Lv.6) Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
75 Pet Blind&Fear War Cry -
80 Pet Stun Shuddering Cantata Pet Meditation Clarity Pet Clarity Meditation
85 Pet Encouragement Encouragement: Dexterity, Wisdom -
90 Painful Aria Painful Aria Pet Fighter Unit Wizard Unit: Mace and Staff Pet Card Ability P.Acc, M.Acc
95 Unity Siren Unity: Siren Pet Accuracy Vision of Intelligence


- Pet Blessing of Strength Blessing of Strength Pet Blessing of Intelligence Blessing of Intelligence
Pet Blessing of Vitality Blessing of Vitality Pet Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom
Pet Blessing of Agility Blessing of Agility Pet Blessing of Dexterity Blessing of Dexterity

Evo 3: Siren Queen[]

Req.Lv Active Passive
100 Pet Potion Creation Creation: Siren Potion Pet Special Hymn of Life Pet Awakening Atk Awakening: M.Atk. Pet Awakening Def Awakening: M.Def.
105 Kiss of the Goddess Kiss Of The Goddess -
110 Painful Noise Painful Noise -
115 Shadow Illusion Shadow Illusion -
120 Lyrics Of Frustration Lyrics of Frustration (Pre-req: Painful Noise Lv.11) Pet Bless The Body Bless the Body Pet Bless The Soul Bless the Soul
125 Pet Blind&Fear War Cry -
130 Pet Stun Shuddering Cantata Pet Meditation Meditation Pet Clarity Clarity
135 Pet Encouragement Encouragement: Dexterity, Wisdom -
140 Painful Aria Painful Aria Pet Awakening Regen Awakening: MP Regen
145 Unity Siren Unity: Siren Pet Accuracy Vision of Intelligence
150 Opera Of Ruin Opera of Ruin (Pre-req: Painful Aria Lv.6) Pet Eden's Blessing Eden's Blessing

Additional information[]

Epic 4: Siren Skills[]

Below are videos on what skills the former E4 Siren used to have before the Global pet remake in E5.

Siren Whip skill - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Endmwg1WZrU

Siren Debuffs/CC - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBegGIRT7_c

Siren Skilltree - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwRTHYfwZ7U

Siren's Diabloic ballad (Illusion) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqGUR5w_4Vw
