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Race | Asura |
Job Change | Master Class |
Job Class | Warrior Class |
Previous Job | Assassin |
Common role(s) |
Damage Dealer |
Job preferred Weapon(s) |
Asura Warrior Master Class
The Slayer specializes in pulling in non-Cubric Hard Mode dungeons. Because Slayers possess no offensive skills, and lack in defense. Their stealth abilities allow them to plan strikes on their targets .
But now Slayer can be powerful DD or Semi-Tanker.
The Slayer specializes in the use of dual weapons and evasion. Slayers possess some offensive skills, but truly shine when built with attack speed and critical power in mind. Once r7 is hit, farming regular mobs becomes ridiculously easy, but of course not the fashionable recent mobs from VI and Cubric, where you need to be ranged. The lack of effective damaging skill makes the Slayer a "tab + f1" class. Only class unable to farm without a large investment of money.
Slayer Guide[]
by JaimeLannister; 02-03-2018.
Slayer is the best single target class in the game. He obliterates bosses like Yushiva within very few seconds with the right equipment. Slayer is also the best PVP class due to his giant hp. pool.
Slayer is in my opinion the second-best class when it comes to Devildom kill speed. The best feeling playing a slayer is using Hellstorm on your enemies and seeing their hp. bar drop.
(This Guide focuses mainly on the sword build since swords are superior once you have decent gear.)
Swords vs. Daggers:
This comes down to your personal budget.
Swords are superior to daggers if you don’t need that extra HP (You can still get over 1,3kk HP. with swords, so it’s not like your HP. pool suffers greatly from taking swords…).
Swords come to the expense of requiring a heavier armor though.
If your gear is generally weak you want to take daggers over swords since the additional hp. is very helpful.
'Character Skill (Distorted space Governor eq.): 'Phase Blades
The random effect options are pretty straight forward. Optimally you want Crit. Power and/or strength on your gloves and your armor and strength, reflex and movement speed on your boots.
If you can’t afford Phase Blades equipment either take Dual Blade Expert equipment for more damage or Shadow Forged Plating eq. for more health (works especially well with daggers).
Soul stones:
Strength and Crit.
Boss card collection:
Baron Madius (10x): +30 P. atk.
Taranida (10x): +50 P. atk.
Crustalino (10x): +3 atk. Speed
Soulseeker (10x): +5 P. acc.
Kiscia the Beautiful (7x): +80 P. atk., +5 P. acc.
Lady Ruina (7x): +10 P. acc.
Aurumis (7x): +100 P. atk.
Draka (7x): +3 atk. Speed, +100 Max. hp.
Queen Eva (7x): +5 P. acc., +10 Evasion
Microraptor (5x): +150 P. atk., +150 M. atk.
Mephisto (5x): +10 Critical Power, +2 Critical Rate
Lilith (5x): +200 P. atk., +200 M. atk.
Courage of Grand Master Hector (3x): +500 P. atk., +15 P. acc., +15 P. acc.
Ultimate Witch (10x): +30M.Def.
Oforia (10x): +30 P.Def.
Abhuva (10x): +5 Evasion
Silex the Giant (10x): +150 Max. hp.
Queen Eratia (7x): +100 M.Def.
Ilrios (7x): +200 Max. hp., +200 Max. weight
Betrayal (7x): +200 Max. hp., +100 Max. mp.
Sand Lord Kynish (7x): +100 P.Def.
Draka (7x): +100 Max. hp., +3 attack speed
Queen Eva (7x): +10 Evasion, +5 P.acc.
Butkadah (5x): +5. M.acc., +150 M.def.
Medusa (5x): +150 P.Def., +150 Block P.def.
Black widow (5x): +150 P.Def., +150 M.Def.
Bone dragon (5x): +150 M.def., +300 Max. mp.
Soul of lunacy (5x): +150 P.Def., +500 Max. hp.
Courage of Grand Master Hector (3x): +500 Max. hp. +500 P.atk., +15 P.acc.
Crystal Golem (3x): +500 P.def., +200 M.def., +1500 Max. hp.
Bloodthirsty Slaughterer (3x): +500 M.def., +200 P.def., +1000 Max. mp.
Yushiva (3x): +5000 Max hp., +3000 Max. mp., +500 Max. weight
M. atk. and therefore HP.:
Primal Scream (10x): +50 M. atk.
Likirus (10x): +50 M. atk.
Dominatus the Mad (7x): +80 M. atk., +5 M. acc.
Ashmaw the Devourer (7x): +100 M. atk., +3 cast speed
Obsidikar (7x): +200 M. atk.
Knowledge of Grandmaster Hector (3x): +500 M. atk., +300 Max. mp., +15 M. acc.
If you aim for max. damage take Strength , P. atk. , Crit. Power Rings.
If you struggle to sustain your attack speed plateau you might want to take up to two (depending on how much attack speed you need) Strength, Attack Speed, Crit. Power Rings (959 = highest attack speed plateau (unofficial cap = approximately 1050 (for smoother attacks))).
If you have troubles hitting your enemy take one or two (depending on how much accuracy you need) Strength , Accuracy , Crit. Power Ring(s).
Max stats (Ring): Strength: 50, P. atk.: 250, Crit. Power: 24,3, Attack speed: approximately 20, Accuracy: approximately 60
Take a Yushiva’s Necklace with Non-Elemental Additional Damage and P. def. (5000 Additional Damage and 550+ P. def.).
Your auto attacks and Hellstorm are both non-elemental attacks.
This depends on how badly you need the 3% damage reduction, up to 100 accuracy, approximately 20 attack speed and 20 Reflex
If you don’t need any of that then exchange one Yushiva’s earring with a Crazy Clown Earring, you only get 12% instead of 15% damage reduction and you can’t chose between Atk. speed + Evasion and Accuracy + Evasion as the random option, but when attacking, a provoke effect will be applied with 2% probability.
Take the 2% earring over the 6% earring, because the 6% earring only applies when you are under attack and the 2% earring applies the Provoke effect when attacking yourself and since you are attacking so quickly when playing Slayer, the 2% earring is superior.
Provoke effect: +10% P. atk., -5% P. def.
Boss cards:
Mephisto Card, Grand Master Hector’s Card of Courage, Sand Lord Kynish Card, Soul of Lunacy Card, Crustalino Card, Lilith Card,
Take up to three of them (depending on your belt slots and how good your gear is).
I play with: Mephisto Card, Grand Master Hector’s Card of Courage, Sand Lord Kynish Card
If you struggle to survive, take a Soul of Lunacy Card instead of Sand Lord Kynish Card.
Exchange Sand Lord Kynish with an Abhuva Card in PvP.
Talent Point distribution:
5 TP: 2 : 2 : 1
6 TP: 2 : 2 : 2
7 TP: 2 : 2 : 3
- Ranged DD with double Harp. and Weakness Analysis
- Melee DD with Death Tyrant Unity, Wolf Relic, Mana Injection and Encouragement P. atk.
- Healer with Master Devotion, Unicorn Unity, Drillbot Relic, Painful Aria and Encouragement M. atk.
Take a ranged DD if you struggle to sustain your attack speed plateau (and the Death Tyrant Unity isn't enough).
Pet potions :
Three Options:
- Minotaurus if you want to farm RoA / Underground, where you can use some extra movement speed
- Death Tyrant if you need more attack speed.
- Mystic Koala for max. damage.
Belt pets:
3x Death Tyrant Stage 1 , 1x Stage 2 Unicorn, 1x Stage 3 Unicorn 33% P. atk. + Strength + Atk. speed, 32% Agility + Reflex If you struggle to survive and want to tank by dodging a lot (additionally helps you with attack speed due to the extra agility).
3x Death Tyrant Stage 1, 1x Stage 5 Unicorn, 1x Stage 5 P. def. + Vit. pet (Yeti, Stone Golem, Undine) 33% P. atk. + Strength + Attack speed, 19% Reflex + Agility 12%-25% Vit. + P. def. If you struggle to survive and don't want to rely on dodging attacks.
3x Death Tyrant Stage 1, 2x P. def. + Vit. Pet 33% P. atk + Strength, 32% Vit. + P. def. If you struggle to survive and don't want to solely rely on dodging every incoming attack.
2x Death Tyrant Stage 5, 3x Minotaurus Stage 1 35% P. atk. + Strength, 26% Atk. speed, 33% Vit. + P. def. My personal favorite, because this is the highest damage belt pet setup .
3x Death Tyrant Stage 1, 2x Snowman 33% P. atk. + Strength + At. speed, 32% Luck More drops, weaker defense.
3x Drillbot Stage 1, 1x Kentauros Stage 5, 1x Cerberus Stage 5 33% Vit. + P. def. + M. def. + Wisdom, 32% P. atk. + Strength, 12% P. acc. This is the best setup if you are up against a magician.
3x Minotaurus Stage 1, 1x Unicorn Stage 2, 1x Unicorn Stage 3 33% P. atk. + Strength + P. def. + Vit., 32% Agility + Reflex This is the best setup if you are facing a warrior (If you don't need accuracy)).
3x Minotaurus Stage 1, 1x Unicorn Stage 5, 1x Cerberus Stage 5
34% P. atk., + Strength, 33% Vit. + P. def., 19% Reflex + Unicorn, 12% P. acc.
Take this if you are facing a warrior but need some accuracy. If you need even more accuracy, but not
enough to justify the exchanging of the Unicorn with another Cerb., exchange the Cerberus with a Stage 5 Nightmare ( 19% P. acc. )
2x Minotaurus Stage 0, 1x Drillbot Stage 5, 1x Unicorn Stage 5, 1x Cerberus Stage 5
33% P. def. + Vit., 33% P. atk + Strength, 13% M. def. + Wisdom, 19% Agility + Reflex, 12% P. acc.
Take this if you are in an open battlefield with several enemies ( more physical enemies than magicians).
1x Minotaurus Stage 1, 2x Drillbot Stage 5, 1x Kentauros Stage 5, 1x Cerberus or Unicorn or Nightmare Stage 5 (depending on your and the enemies accuracy). '32% P. atk. + Strength, 33% P. def. + Vit., 26% M. def. + Wis.,'12% P. acc., 1% P. atk. + Strength 'or' 19% Agility + Reflex 'or '19% Accuracy Take this if you are in an open battlefield with several enemies ( more magicians than warriors).
Backpack: Traveling Gear vs. Expert’s Bag and Luminous Wings vs. Donation Wings
Traveling Gear: +25 on all stats, +4500 Max. weight and +5000 Max. hp.+mp. (free)
Expert’s Bag: +4% on all stats, +6000 Max weight. (20.000 AP)
Expert's Bag > Traveling Gear once you hit ~600 Strength, which is very easy.
When I tested it, I got more P. atk. with Rang 1 Donation Wings than with Luminous Wings (I was all in on Strength though).
Girdle of Endairon vs. Bear Skin Belt:
Table of what which belt offers (left colum = Bear Skin Belt, right colum = Girdle of Endairon).
More attack speed | +45% P. ignore |
You can wear another Ring of Horadric and Yushiva’s Earring / Clown earring | +10 %P. atk. |
More hp. | +10% Strength |
Assassin Impact +1 | |
All skills +1 |
If you want to increase your damage per second, take an Endairon belt.
If you struggle with your attack speed plateau or need some extra health you might want to take a Bear Skin belt.
(Or simply take a Yushiva's belt .)
Slayer is a beginner friendly class, because of the giant base health pool due to "Shadow Forged Plating".
Becoming a non-plus ultra Slayer is very expensive though, because it is a very popular class and good Phase Blades Equipment etc. is therefore rather expensive.
Take Daggers over Swords if the rest of your gear is weak. If you don't need the extra HP. change to swords. Highest DPs build: Phase Blades Eq., 3x Stage 1 Minotaurus , 2x Stage 5 Death Tyrant, Sand Lord Kynish Card, Mephisto Card, Hector Card,Strength P. atk. Crit. Power Rings, 5000 non-elementary additional damage necklace, Donation Wings>Luminous Wings, AP bag > free bag, one Yushiva's and one Clown Earring.
I managed to get over 240.000 P. atk. and over 900 Crit. Power. with this build.
German Translation: http://forum.webzen.com/forum/de/rap...nklingen-guide
Source: http://forum.webzen.com/forum/en/rappelz-english/rappelz-game-play-advice/2341030-slayer-guide
Belt Pet[]
Type | Pet | Benefit | Info |
Damage Dealer (Dirks) | 3x Salamander s5
2x Skeleton s4 |
30% Int, Str, M.Atk, P.Atk
32% Agi, Atk Speed |
Atk speed based
Salamander can be replaced by Blight Ogre to get 33% Int, Str, M.Atk, P.Atk |
Damage Dealer (Dirks) | 3x Blight Ogre s0
2x Mystic Koala / Snowman s0 |
33% Int, Str, M.Atk, P.Atk
32% Luck, Crit Rate |
Crit based |
Damage Dealer (Swords) | 3x Cerberus s3
2x Skeleton s4 |
33% Str, Dext, P.Atk, Accu
32% Agi, Atk Speed |
Atk speed based |
Damage Dealer (Swords) | 3x Death Tyrant s0
2x Mystic Koala / Snowman s0 |
33% Str, P.Atk
31% Atk Speed 32% Luck, Crit Rate |
Crit based |
Tank | 2x Unicorn s3
Hawkman s5 Stone Golem s4 Salamander s5 |
32% Agi, Eva, Vit, P.Def
9% Int, M.Atk 19% Str, P.Atk |
M.Atk is important because Salyer
get increase of 200% HP and only 100% form P.Atk by Shadowfrged Plating . For more HP or Driks build, can be better replace Hawkman s5 with Angel s3 to get 19% Int, M.Atk 9% Str, P.Atk |
On Critical build you can use Mephisto Card, Crustalino Card .
On Tank build you can use Soul of Lunacy Card, Black Widow Card, Sand Lord Kynish Card or Draka Card .
On DD dirks build you can use Ashmaw Card, Microraptor Card or Lilith Card .
On DD sworda build you can use Kiscia the Beautiful Card, Microraptor Card or Lilith Card .
Job level bonus stats[]
edit data | |||||||
JLv | Str | Vit | Agi | Int | Wis | Dex | Luck |
1 | |||||||
2 | |||||||
3 | |||||||
4 | |||||||
5 | |||||||
6 | |||||||
7 | |||||||
8 | |||||||
9 | |||||||
10 | |||||||
11 | |||||||
12 | |||||||
13 | |||||||
14 | |||||||
15 | |||||||
16 | |||||||
17 | |||||||
18 | |||||||
19 | |||||||
20 | |||||||
21 | |||||||
22 | |||||||
23 | |||||||
24 | |||||||
25 | |||||||
26 | |||||||
27 | |||||||
28 | |||||||
29 | |||||||
30 | |||||||
31 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
32 | |||||||
33 | |||||||
34 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
35 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
36 | |||||||
37 | |||||||
38 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
39 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
40 | |||||||
41 | |||||||
42 | |||||||
43 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 2 |
44 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 2 |
45 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
46 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
47 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 2 |
48 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
49 | |||||||
50 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
end |
Left Column: Defense[]
Icon | Name | Cost | Level | Description |
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Surge Of Adrenaline | 1 TP Per_Lvl |
2/2 | Passive: Chance while being attacked to cast 10 sec self buff of +8 Evasion, may stack 7X. |
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Smoke Bomb | 1 TP | 1/1 | Ranged Debuff AOE Skill (area cast skill),For 4 sec Movespeed,Physical Accuracy & Magical Accuracy = -50% & Damage reflection rate 100%, Radius = 5m, lasts 10 seconds, CD = 1min (M. Attack based skill). |
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Short Fuse | JP | 3/3 | Passive: Reduces CD = 15sec. |
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Blinding Dust | JP | 9/9 | Blinds target for 7sec; attack/underattack not possible, CD = 11sec. |
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Hellstorm | JP | 10/10 | Similar to Dark Strike, 5 hits, ~2k dmg per hit, distance 2m, CD = 5sec.
(at level 173 hellstorm skill +5 lv10 does 83689 per hit x5 hits) |
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Fatal Wave | JP | 11/11 | Swords/dirks only: AOE that damages all targets within 15m around caster, 13k dmg, CD = 1min. |
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React | JP | 9/9 | Passive: Chance when receiving damage to reduce incoming damage by 2% for 19sec, may stack 5X. |
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Pact With Darkness | JP | 10/10 | 30sec Self-Buff: +20% Evasion, and +15% HP, can only be achieved when maximum stack of "Surge Of Adrenaline" is achieved. CD=1min. |
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Shadowforged Plating | JP | 4/4 | Passive: Max HP bonus 25% of Attack and 50% of M. Attack per level. |
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Surefooted | JP | 10/10 | Passive: Increases Movement Speed by 1.5 per level |
Middle Column: Cloak Skills/Magic (for dagger Sin)[]
Icon | Name | Cost | Level | Description |
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Phase Blades | 1 TP Per_Lvl |
2/2 | Passive: +9% P.Atk, +9% M.Atk, Ignore P.Def, +23%, Ignore M.Def, +23%.
(with the addition of the PW armors +1 skill bonus Phase Blade gloves, boots and armor Phase Blade skill now be P Atk +50% M Atk +50% P ignore+75% M Ignore +75%) |
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Envenom | 1 TP | 1/1 | Toggle: Dual Wield Only: All Atk, dmg is given a bonus +200% of Magical attack |
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Poison Mastery | JP | 1/3 2/3 3/3 |
Reduces CD by 10sec Reduces CD by 20sec Reduces CD by 30sec |
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Shadow Stab | JP | 11/11 | Deals a powerful blow (~12k) of damage to target, high chance of a critical hit. CD=1min.
High chance to jumps out of cloaked state. |
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Shadow Crash | JP | 20/20 |
Stuns target 4 sec, and does some ~17k damage. CD= 1min. High chance to jumps out of cloaked state. |
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Shadow Wound | JP | 20/20 | Jumps out of cloak, damages target (~18k), Bleeds (-840hp every 1 sec) and applies -70 Accuracy de-buff to target for 60sec.CD = 1min.
High chance to jumps out of cloaked state. (Epic 9.1 = - Damage over time bonus increased from 40 per level to 50% per level.) |
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Dusk Gaze | JP | 10/10 | Blinds and Holds Target (4 sec) and casts Hold on yourself (4 sec): prevents target from running away: hold does not mean you can't attack. |
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Twilight Strike | JP | 10/10 | Physical attack ~4,3k, Magical attack ~9,1k, CD=3s MP: 220
465% of basic attack damage. Extra damage per level = 100% |
Right Column: Offense[]
Icon | Name | Cost | Level | Description |
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Death's Respite | 1 TP Per_Lvl |
2/2 | Passive: Chance to reduce the Cool Down on the skill "Shadow Rush" by 36sec, upon killing a target within exp range (15 lvls). |
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Phantasm | 1 TP | 1/1 | Gives additional attack with 100% chance when wearing dual Swords/Dirk (Uber Assassins Impact), Duration = 36 seconds. CD = 2min. |
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Dark Binding | JP | 3/3 |
Passive: Reduces CD by 30 sec. |
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Shadow Rush | JP | 7/7 |
Dashes to the target, may stun it for 3.1sec, damages it ~7k, CD = 45sec. |
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Assassin Impact | JP | 8/8 | 50% probability of attacking twice with dual swords/dirks, 10min Buff, 10min Cool Down |
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Gloom Aura | JP | 10/10 | Self-Buff: Raises threat level to the monsters around drawing them all to you, CD = 20sec. |
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Unshakable | JP | 10/10 | Passive: Builds Players Resistance to Fear: resistance = 25%. |
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After Image | JP | 4/4 | Passive: Chance of self-buff activating when an attack is successfully evaded "Phantasm" is given, 7% chance of activating, For 10 seconds "After Image" is active. |
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Debilitating Blows | JP | 10/10 | Passive: Auto-attacking triggers up to stage 3 debuff, which decreases Physial&Magical Accuracy: Stage 1: -3% PAcc / -3% MAcc Stage 2: -6% PAcc / -6% MAcc Stage 3: -9% PAcc / -9% MAcc Chance of activation 1% Chance of activation bonus 1% per level |
Asura Racial Buffs[]
Icon | Name | Cost | Level | Description |
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Asuran Haste | JP | 7/7 | Buff: +4.9 Atk./Cast Spd. for 30m, CD=15s MP: 385 |
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Evasive Resilience | JP | 7/7 | passive: 420% of Evasion added to max HP |