Rappelz Wiki

Weapons In Rappelz[]

Rappelz has a variety of weapons to be used in combat. Every weapon has it's strengths and weaknesses. For example: More powerful weapons (More attack power) will have slower attack speed (Two Handed Axes) while lower attack power weapons will have faster attack speed (Daggers).

Every class has a preferred type of weapon that can be empowered by passive skills. So it is advised to use the weapon for which you get the passive attack power/ attack speed bonus.

An overview of all types of weapons is available below.

One-handed axes[]

Rank 1 Small Axe Icon Small Axe
Rank 2 Ice Axe Icon Ice Axe
Rank 3 Lv 50 Bloody Axe Icon Bloody Axe
Lv 65 65 1h axe 1-1- Royal Axe
Rank 4 Jagged Broadaxe Icon Jagged Broadaxe
Thunder Axe Icon Thunder Axe
Wild Hatchet Icon Wild Hatchet
Rank 5 Lv 100 Birusknill Icon Birusknill
Gale of Axe Icon Dragon's Breath
Lv 110 110 1h axe 1-1- Magekiller
Rank 6 Earthquake (weapon) Earthquake
Shinigami Axe Shinigami Axe
Rank 7 Lv 150 Dimensional Cleaver Dimensional Cleaver
Lv 155 Malice Malice
155 1h axe-1- Draka's Axe
Lv 160 Edge of No Remorse Edge of No Remorse
Master Class MC1HA Taurus Cleaver

Two-handed axes[]

Rank 1 Axe Icon Axe
Half-Bladed Axe Icon Half-Bladed Axe
Rank 2 Battle Axe Icon Battle Axe
Double Bladed Axe Icon Double-Bladed Axe
Rokeach Icon Rokeach
Rank 3 Lv 50 Giant Axe Icon Giant Axe
Heftier Axe Icon Heftier Axe
Crecent Icon Crescent Axe
Lv 65 65 2h axe-1- Alloy Greataxe
Rank 4 Great Axe Icon Great Axe
Major Axe Icon Axe of Supremacy
Rank 5 Lv 100 Tornado of Soul Axe Icon Tornado of Soul
Lv 110 110 2h axe-1- Horizon's Edge
Rank 6 Blue Dragon's Axe Blue Dragon's Axe
Thunder Thunder
Rank 7 Lv 150 Power Breaker Power Breaker
Lv 155 Cruel Remorse Cruel Remorse
155 2h axe-1- Hector's Greataxe
Lv 160 Edge of Cataclysm Edge of Cataclysm
Master Class MC2HA Fury of the Titans


Rank 1 Hunting Bow Icon Hunting Bow
Rank 2 Wooden Bow Icon Wooden Bow
Wrinkle Bow Icon Wrinkle Bow
Rank 3 Lv 50 Double Bow Icon Double Bow
Emerald Bow Icon Emerald Bow
Quick Bow Icon Quick Bow
Ranger Bow Icon Ranger Bow
Lv 65 65 bow 1-1- Longshot Bow
Rank 4 Death Bride Icon Death Bride
Giant Bow Icon Giant Bow
Rank 5 Lv 100 Critical Bow Icon Critical Bow
Stalactic Arch Icon Stalactic Arch
Lv 110 110 bow 1-1- Spectral Bow
Rank 6 Thunderwave Thunderwave
Violent Gale Violent Gale
Rank 7 Lv 150 Blessed Long Bow Blessed Long Bow
Lv 155 Holy Long Bow Holy Long Bow
155 bow-1- Dragon Catcher
Lv 160 Hymn of the Heavens Hymn of the Heavens
Master Class MCLB Covetous Dragon


Rank 1 Cross Bow Icon Cross Bow
Rank 2 Bone Cross Bow Icon Bone Cross Bow
Rank 3 Lv 50 Great Bow Icon Great Bow
Windy Cross Bow Icon Icon Windy Cross Bow
Lv 65 65 xbow-1- Anklebiter Crossbow
Rank 4 Assault Bowgun Icon Assault Bowgun
Mark Bow Icon Mark Bow
Rank 5 Lv 100 Grand Crossbow Icon Grand Crossbow
Heavy Crossbow Icon Heavy Crossbow
Lv 110 110 xbow-1- Powershot Crossbow
Rank 6 Dragonic Crossbow Dragonic Crossbow
Ruining Eye Ruining Eye
Rank 7 Lv 150 Armor Piercing Cross Bow Armor Piercing Cross Bow
Lv 155 Swift Deliverer of Death Swift Deliverer of Death
155 xbow-1- Bloodvial Crossbow
Lv 160 Endless Barrage Endless Barrage
Master Class MCXB Rubyflame Crossbow


Rank 1 Dagger Icon Dagger
Dirk Icon Dirk
Rank 2 Blade of Darkness Icon Blade of Darkness
Iron Dagger Icon Iron Dagger
Knight Hawk Icon Knight Hawk
Rank 3 Lv 50 Hands of the Dark Icon Blade of Shadow
Ornamental Silver Knife Icon Ornamental Silver Knife
Lv 65 65 dirk-1- Twisted Barb
Rank 4 Angelring Dagger Icon Angelring Dagger
Breath of the Death Icon Breath of Death
Saw Icon Saw of Scales
Rank 5 Lv 100 Chilanum Icon Chilanum
Twist Dagger Icon Twist Dagger
Lv 110 110 dirk-1- Shadowmage Barb
Rank 6 Guard's Dagger Guard's Dagger
Orihalcon Orihalcon
Rank 7 Lv 150 Ruthless Shredder Ruthless Shredder
Lv 155 Render of Souls Render of Souls
155 dirk-1- Dimensional Barb
Lv 160 Bloodthirst Bloodthirst
Master Class MCDa Heartcarver

One-handed maces[]

Rank 1 Iron Hammer Icon Iron Hammer
Small Mace Icon Small Mace
Rank 2 Action Hammer Icon Action Hammer
Climbing Hammer Icon Climbing Hammer
Large Mace Icon Large Mace
Rank 3 Lv 50 Arbitrator Icon Arbitrator
Dust Icon Dust
Morning Star Icon Morning Star
Lv 65 65 1h mace-1- Smiter
Rank 4 Gurz Icon Gurz
Mist Icon Mist
Scepter Icon Scepter
Rank 5 Lv 100 Saint Mace Icon Saint's Mace
Lv 110 110 1h mace-1- Windbreaker
Rank 6 Guard's Mace Guard's Mace
Warebuster Warebuster
Rank 7 Lv 150 Anguish Anguish
Lv 155 Eternal Guardian Eternal Guardian
155 1h mace-1- The Silencer
Lv 160 Unquenchable Rage Unquenchable Rage
Master Class MC1HM Gargoyle Tail

Two-handed maces[]

Rank 1 Stone Mace Icon Stone Mace
Rank 2 Giant Mace Icon Giant Mace
Mega Weight Icon Mega Weight
Rank 3 Lv 50 Blazing Mace Icon Blazing Mace
Comet Icon Comet
Jewel Mace Icon Crystal Mace
Lv 65 65 2h mace 1-1- Kaia's Blessing
Rank 4 Hammer Icon Hammer
Sledgehammer Icon Sledgehammer
Rank 5 Lv 100 Hell-Rising Icon Rising Demon
Meteoroidal Cudgel Icon Meteoric Cudgel
Hammer Icon Toul Hammer
Lv 110 110 2h mace 1-1- Hammer Of Justice
Rank 6 Mace of Hera Mace of Hera
Salgatanurse Salgatanurse
Rank 7 Lv 150 Death's Grasp Death's Grasp
Lv 155 Deathblow Deathblow
155 2h mace-1- Mace of Learning
Lv 160 Demolisher of Worlds Demolisher of Worlds
Master Class MC2HM Minotaur's Fury


Rank 1 Double-Bladed Spear Icon Double-Bladed Spear
Short Sphere Icon Short Spear
Spear Icon Spear
Rank 2 Harpoon Icon Harpoon Spear
Leg-Screw Spear Icon Leg-Screw Spear
Long Spear Icon Long Spear
Rank 3 Lv 50 Beluril Spear Icon Bluril Spear
Knight Lance Icon Knight Lance
Trident Icon Trident
Lv 65 65 spear-1- Flameburst Spear
Rank 4 Aslan Icon Silver Hawk
Luna Spear Icon Luna Spear
Lunar Fang Icon Lunar Fang
Rank 5 Lv 100 SpearR5a Icon Amber Billow
SpearR5b Icon Crimson Edge
Lv 110 110 spear-1- Mankiller Spear
Rank 6 Valkyrie Wing Valkyrie Wing
Berdiche Berdiche
Rank 7 Lv 150 Demonic Spear Demonic Spear
Lv 155 Merciless Impaler Merciless Impaler
155 spear-1- Leon's Glory
Lv 160 Barbarous Tormentor Barbarous Tormentor
Master Class MCSp Dragon's Loathing

One-handed staves[]

Rank 1 There are none
Rank 2 Monk's Staff Icon Monk's Staff
Rod Icon Rod
Rank 3 Lv 50 Adamantine Monk's Staff Icon Adamantine Staff
Great Rod Icon Great Rod
Lv 65 65 1h staff 1-1- Ivory Tower Staff
Rank 4 Meteoric Rod Icon Meteoric Rod
Prominence Rod Icon Prominence Rod
Staff1HR4c Icon Thunderstruck Jujube
Rank 5 Lv 100 Nucleus of Prophecy Icon Nucleus of Prophecy
Rod of Supreme Wizardry Icon Rod of Supreme Wizardry
Lv 110 110 1h staff 1-1- Beastbane Staff
Rank 6 Gaia Orb Gaia Orb
Virtuous Wand Virtuous Wand
Rank 7 Lv 150 Manipulator of Souls Manipulator of Souls
Lv 155 Deception of the Exiled Deception of the Exiled
155 1h staff 1-1- Shadowguard Staff
Lv 160 Dominator of Souls Dominator of Souls
Master Class MC1HS Royal Kindness

Two-handed staves[]

Rank 1 Long Stick Long Stick
Wooden Pole Wooden Pole
Rank 2 Vitality Stick Vitality Stick
Staff of Peace Staff of Peace
Willow Staff Willow Staff
Rank 3 Lv 50 Amethyst Staff Amethyst Staff
Crystal Staff Crystal Staff
Long Staff Long Staff
Lv 65 65 2h staff 1-1- Secret of Lenka
Rank 4 Round Staff Round Staff
Contract with Mephisto Contract with Mephisto
Rank 5 Lv 100 Sage's Staff Sage's Staff
Lv 110 110 2h staff 1-1- Arcane Guardian
Rank 6 Doom Summoner Doom Summoner
Scream of the Dragon Scream of the Dragon
Rank 7 Lv 150 Will of the Gods Will of the Gods
Lv 155 Wisdom of All Eternity Wisdom of All Eternity
155 2h staff-1- Symbiotic Staff
Lv 160 Pure Serenity Pure Serenity
Master Class MC2HS Leviathan's Grip

One-handed swords[]

Rank 1 Jungle Knife Icon Jungle Knife
Long Sword Icon Long Sword
Rank 2 Knight's Sword Icon Knight's Sword
Dark Curblade Icon Dark Curblade
Balloon Sword Icon Balloon Sword
Rapier Icon Rapier
Rank 3 Lv 50 Blazing Demolisher Icon Blazing Demolisher
Flamberge Icon Flamberge
Eternity Icon Eternity
Lv 65 65 1h sword 1-1- Souleating Blade
Rank 4 Sword of Victory Icon Sword of Victory
Aydakatti Icon Aydakatti
Blood Seek Icon Blood Seeker
Rank 5 Lv 100 Beowulf Icon Greywolf
Sovereign Sword Icon Sovereign Sword
Lv 110 110 1h sword-1- Parasitic Blade
Rank 6 Guard's Sword Guard's Sword
Kaladbog Kaladbog
Pragrarch Pragrarch
Rank 7 Lv 150 Unyielding Onslaught Unyielding Onslaught
Lv 155 Relentless Assault Relentless Assault
155 1h sword-1- Flesheating Blade
Lv 160 Cataclysm Cataclysm
Master Class MC1HSw Angel's Bloodletter

Two-handed swords[]

Rank 1 Two-Handed Sword Icon Two-Handed Sword
Rank 2 Great Sword Icon Great Sword
Mercenary's Sword Icon Mercenary's Sword
Two Handed Long Sword Icon Two Handed Long Sword
Rank 3 Lv 50 Bastard Sword Icon Bastard Sword
Giant Sword Icon Giant Sword
Lv 65 65 2h sword 1-1- Greatsword of Fury
Rank 4 Blue Bird Icon Blue Bird
Claymore Icon Claymore
Double Sickle Sword Icon Double Sickle Sword
Executioner Icon Executioner
Rank 5 Lv 100 Iloon Icon Ilwoon
Sword of Berserker Icon Sword of Berserker
Lv 110 110 2h sword-1- Greatsword of Bloodrage
Rank 6 Blood Blade Blood Blade
Forlorn Sword Forlorn Sword
Rank 7 Lv 150 Titan's Claymore Itzmuna's Claymore
Lv 155 Azusa the Earthshaker Azusa the Doombringer
155 2h sword-1- Greatsword of Obliteration
Lv 160 Judgement of the Gods Judgement of Vulcanus
Master Class MC2HSw King's Judgement